
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Government must tackle causes as well as effects of flooding

Last edited 2 December 2014 at 11:49am
2 December, 2014

In response to announcements on flood spending and the Swansea Bay tidal lagoon project, Dr Doug Parr Greenpeace Chief Scientist said:

New renewable funding - Greenpeace response

Last edited 23 April 2014 at 11:07am
23 April, 2014

In response to the government announcing contracts for funding eight new renewable energy projects, Greenpeace UK energy campaigner Jimmy Aldridge said:

"We welcome the commitment to improving UK energy security by getting off imports and backing clean, home-grown energy. But all this needs to happen much faster and on a bigger scale if we are to guarantee a safe supply of clean power to Britain's homes.

There were 57 applications for renewable projects with a fixed-price guarantee, yet DECC only granted 8 – all of which are for more expensive projects. Just yesterday David Cameron announced he wants to limit onshore wind farms, despite these being the cheapest source of clean, home-grown energy we have.

Osborne challenged over "environmental Taliban" description

Last edited 18 October 2012 at 3:51pm
18 October, 2012

The UK’s leading environmental organisations have written to Chancellor George Osborne following reports that he views parliamentary climate change campaigners as the ‘environmental Taliban’.

The letter from John Sauven, Executive Director of Greenpeace, Andy Atkins, Executive Director of Friends of the Earth; Mike Clarke, Chief Executive of RSPB and David Nussbaum, Chief Executive of WWF-UK says:

Dear Chancellor

Greenest government YouGov survey results

Last edited 19 March 2012 at 12:33am
Publication date: 
19 March, 2012

Only two per cent of people believe that the coalition is the ‘greenest government ever’, according to an exclusive YouGov opinion poll commissioned by Greenpeace. 

David Cameron made the ‘greenest government ever’ pledge in May 2010. In 2006 Cameron famously posed with huskies in Norway and said that ‘since becoming leader of the Conservative Party I have sought to push the environment up to the top of the political agenda.’ 

The findings from the poll are expected to come as a personal blow to the prime minister, just days before the Budget.

Download the report:

Breaking the link between transport and oil

Posted by petespeller — 24 October 2011 at 3:43pm - Comments

A new report by the Institute for Public Policy Research argues that breaking the link between road transport and oil is not only possible, it would benefit the economy, create jobs and reduce carbon emissions.

Greenpeace takes government to court over nuclear power expansion

Last edited 26 August 2011 at 4:28pm
26 August, 2011

Greenpeace UK has today served legal papers on the government for unlawfully failing to take into account the implications of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in their future planning for the building of new nuclear power stations at sites in Britain.

Tell the government to buy sustainable fish

Posted by Willie — 9 March 2011 at 5:46pm - Comments
Hugh and Jamie during filming of the Fish Fight series
All rights reserved. Credit: Daphne Christelis / Greenpeace
Hugh and Jamie during filming of Fish Fight outside Westminster

"Greenest government ever." That’s the phrase that’s already been used to slap the current UK administration a fair few times. It’s an ambitious claim, but it seems even on the black-and-white issues UK ministers can’t quite bring themselves to go green.

We take the government to court over oil drilling

Posted by jamess — 12 November 2010 at 2:07pm - Comments

We've taken the government to the High Court in a bid to stop offshore drilling in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Our lawyers filed a claim at the Royal Courts of Justice this morning seeking to stop the issuing of new licences for deep sea drilling until the causes of the Deepwater Horizon explosion have been properly established.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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