Energy agency present grave climate warning - Greenpeace response

Last edited 9 November 2011 at 3:04pm
9 November, 2011

Commenting on a new report by the respected International Energy Agency warning that the chances of preventing dangerous climate change are narrowing rapidly, Charlie Kronick of Greenpeace said:

“This new report makes for sobering reading. We’re looking at the construction of a huge number of new polluting power stations that will be pumping CO2 into the atmosphere for decades. The decisions being made by politicians today risk passing a monumental carbon debt to the next generation, one for which they will pay a very heavy price. The eurozone crisis is getting all the headlines right now but it's the decisions our leaders are making on energy could be their toxic legacy.”

He continued:

“Despite the warnings in this report, the future is not pre-ordained. Every year the take-up of renewable energy grows faster than the previous year, while only last week the US energy secretary said solar power will be cheaper than fossil fuels in a decade or little more. But what's seriously lacking is a global plan and the political leverage to enact it. Governments have a chance to begin to turn this around when they meet in Durban later this month for the next round of global climate talks.”


Greenpeace – 0207 865 8255

Note: US energy secretary Steve Chu comments on solar power

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