Environment nowhere near the heart of Government

Last edited 9 January 2001 at 9:00am
9 January, 2001

The Labour Government has failed to deliver on its manifesto promise to put the environment at the heart of Government, according to Greenpeace. The organisation was commenting on the expected release today of an audit of the Government's environmental performance over the last four years.

Greenpeace Policy Director Stephen Tindale, who was Environment Minster Michael Meacher's Special Adviser until last year and who wrote Labour's 1994 environmental policy document 'In Trust for Tomorrow', said,

"The UK has played a positive role internationally but domestic delivery has been disappointing. On climate, despite the climate change levy, there has been no ambitious programme to eradicate fuel poverty and no 'new and strong drive for renewables' - as the 1997 Manifesto promised."

"This Government has signed up to an international agreement to reduce radioactive pollution, but since then emissions from Sellafield have actually increased. On GM foods, Labour has allowed the interests of free trade to overide the interests of consumers and the environment".

"Stephen Byers has begun the task of turning round the DTI, but sadly he is the only senior New Labour figure who has grasped that the green agenda is about opportunity and wealth creation, not sacrifice and electoral unpopularity".

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