EU Parliament votes to phase out certain hazardous chemicals...

Last edited 17 November 2005 at 9:00am
17 November, 2005

...but allows 1000's of other potentially hazardous chemicals to remain untested

Greenpeace today (17th November 2005) recognised the important step taken by the EU Parliament in Strasbourg this morning towards replacing hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives but expressed regret that MEPs have chosen to exempt thousands of other chemicals from the need to provide any health and safety information.

The European Parliament supported the obligation to replace hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives when these are available (the 'substitution principle'), sending a strong message to ministers of national governments who will next make a decision on REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals). This requirement is essential to end the build-up of harmful chemicals in our bodies and the environment.

Nadia Haiama-Neurohr, Greenpeace EU policy officer on chemicals, stated:
"This is a good first step in the drive to rid our environment of the harmful, toxic chemicals now in use, but it should be seen as only a first step. If the EU is truly serious about protecting its citizens and environment we need to legally require all chemicals to have safety data on them. We live in a world where toxic chemicals are turning up in breast milk and even umbilical cords. Today's decision will still leave 1000's of chemicals that may contribute to this situation with little or no safety data on them."

At present we lack basic data on the environmental and health impacts of 90% of substances in use. Greenpeace therefore condemned the decision to severely weaken crucial safety testing requirements for all chemicals covered by REACH. EU Ministers will now have the opportunity to strengthen the legislation by ensuring that it will help both identify and replace hazardous chemicals covered by REACH.

"Lets hope that the Blair led EU will vote for strengthened legislation in December and not cave in to the vested interests of the powerful German chemicals industry and other key players in the chemicals sector by watering down REACH or accepting further delays. The right decisions in REACH could help transform the polluting, profit driven chemicals sector we now have into a clean, safety driven 21st century industry."

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