The Chemical Home is now closed

Last edited 17 January 2007 at 11:54am

Thanks for your help in keeping the pressure on companies to substitute harmful chemicals in their products with safer alternatives. By choosing to buy products from companies ranked green and amber, you helped to make companies change their policies on chemicals.

And, thanks to the support of more progressive companies, the 'substitution' principle has been at least partially incorporated into the new EU chemicals policy called REACH .

The vinyl solution

Posted by jamie — 18 October 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

web_banner_255_176.jpgNow this is fun. Top-notch design studio Freerange Graphics have produced another of their really quite cool online animations, and anyone who's seen cyberpunk animal welfare skit The Meatrix or organic sci-fi rip-off Grocery Store Wars will know they can put a groovy spin on ethically-minded issues.

Slipping away: the presence of perflorinated chemicals in eels from 11 European countries

Last edited 28 September 2006 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
27 September, 2006


Investigating the contamination of the European eel with PFCs, substances used to produce non-stick and water-repellant coatings for a multitude of products.

Download the report:

Bad vibrations? We expose an EU sex scandal

Posted by bex — 8 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

How safe is your sex toy?

Is nothing sacred? A new report released today by our Dutch office reveals that the plastics used to construct a wide range of sex toys contain very high concentrations of hazardous phlalates, toxic chemical softeners used in PVC to make it soft and flexible.

Top fashion designers create toxic-free collection to persuade EU to ban dangerous chemicals

Last edited 19 June 2006 at 8:00am
19 June, 2006

16 fashion designers link up with Greenpeace to lobby EU for comprehensive ban on chemicals that harm human health

Sex, lies and hazardous chemicals

Posted by bex — 8 May 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

A mother carrying a baby wears a shirt reading "stop contamining my baby!"

What business does a chemical company have between your bedroom sheets? Should chemical companies be meddling with the protection of your health? Of course they should have no business in your sex life or personal health, but unfortunately the chemical industry is fighting hard to protect their privilege to make hazardous chemicals with the potential to seriously affect both.

Chemical giants guilty of "corrosive lobbying" in attempt to water down vital EU legislation

Last edited 5 May 2006 at 8:00am
5 May, 2006

Giant chemicals firms representing private business interests are trying to undermine and destroy EU attempts to protect the public from hazardous chemicals, reveals a Greenpeace report released today.

Greenpeace report reveals the impact of toxic chemicals on reproductive health

Last edited 3 May 2006 at 8:00am
3 May, 2006

Falling sperm counts, rising infertility and genital abnormalities in babies could all result from exposure to hazardous man-made chemicals used in perfumes, carpets, electronics, clothing and a host of other consumer goods, reveals a Greenpeace report released today [1].

The study, "Fragile: Our reproductive health and chemical exposure", presents a worrying picture of an increase in reproductive health disorders which mirror the rising presence of man-made chemicals in our lives.

Member states fail to address the chemical threat

Last edited 14 December 2005 at 9:00am
14 December, 2005

Brussels, 13 December 2005 - Environmental, women's, health and consumer organisations expressed disappointment that EU ministers failed today to seize a unique opportunity to protect people and the environment from the threat of toxic chemicals.

EU Parliament votes to phase out certain hazardous chemicals...

Last edited 17 November 2005 at 9:00am
17 November, 2005

...but allows 1000's of other potentially hazardous chemicals to remain untested

Greenpeace today (17th November 2005) recognised the important step taken by the EU Parliament in Strasbourg this morning towards replacing hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives but expressed regret that MEPs have chosen to exempt thousands of other chemicals from the need to provide any health and safety information.

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