European fishing quotas display "breathtaking stupidity"

Last edited 19 December 2007 at 12:25pm
19 December, 2007

Commenting on today's announcement of the EU fishing quotas, which has flown in the face of science by allowing an increase in the amount of North Sea cod which can be caught, Greenpeace oceans campaigner Willie Mackenzie said:

"The EU's own scientists have said that North Sea cod stocks are in such trouble that the quota must be reduced. And yet, by ignoring the scientists and announcing an increase in this quota, these bungling bureaucrats are displaying breathtaking stupidity.

"Today's announcement is disastrous for the fishing industry. The cod quota could literally lead to fishermen fishing themselves out of a job, because these catch levels could see an end to North Sea cod.

"It's clear that these quota decisions have to be taken out of the hands of fisheries ministers if there is to be any chance of real recovery for Europe's decimated fish stocks."

Earlier this week, Greenpeace attempted to shut down the EU Council Building in the heart of Brussels, forcing away dozens of politicians who were due to attend the annual fisheries quota meeting

Almost two hundred Greenpeace volunteers blockaded all the entrances and constructed a 30-metre long wall, which stood over 2-metres high, blocking the main entrance. They sprayed it with the words SHUT DOWN UNTIL FISH STOCKS RECOVER.

For more information, contact the Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255.

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