Greenpeace calls on Medway Council to ditch power station plans

Last edited 12 September 2007 at 11:41am
12 September, 2007

Greenpeace campaigners have today called on Medway Council to ditch plans for a controversial new coal power station in Kent.

They presented thousands of postcards signed by the public – including a giant one filled with coal – to the council this morning. Each postcard asks Medway to turn down the application for the coal plant at Kingsnorth, near Rochester.

If the council refuse to veto the plans for the power station, which will emit thousands of tonnes of global warming gases, the Kent site could see the UK’s first such plant for over 30 years.

Greenpeace energy expert Robin Oakley, who handed the postcards to the council, said:

"This is one of the most important decisions that Medway Council could ever make. Obviously, we hope they’ll make the right decision for Kent and for the planet, and ditch these plans for this carbon belching dinosaur.

"The disastrous effects of climate change could bring floods to large areas of Kent, and building coal power stations like the one planned at Kingsnorth will make these dangers far worse."

For more information, or to arrange an interview with a Greenpeace campaigner, contact the press office on 020 7865 8255.

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