Greenpeace reaction to European aviation emissions plan

Last edited 20 December 2007 at 2:03pm
20 December, 2007

EUROPEAN environment ministers are today expected to ditch plans to place caps on aviation emissions - the fastest growing source of global warming gases.

Instead, airlines such as BA are expected to be handed permits to pollute, with the chance to buy more permits from outside the airline industry in order to increase their emissions.

Anna Jones, Greenpeace transport campaigner, said: "This proposal will do nothing. If these politicians are serious about tackling climate change, then we must see a halt to airport expansion, and the true cost of flying must be borne by the industry.

"With no fixed caps, these plans will give a dangerous free rein to the aviation industry and see climate changing emissions soar. This is solely about making money, and not cutting global warming gases."

For more information, contact the Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255.

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