Greenpeace response to Japan's decision to phase out nuclear power

Last edited 14 September 2012 at 2:23pm
14 September, 2012

Greenpeace Energy Campaigner Richard George: “Japan’s decision to pull the plug on nuclear power is a major vote of no confidence from another of the world’s leading economies, following Germany’s phase-out decision last year. This is an historic blow to an industry already in decline and makes a British nuclear renaissance even less likely.

"With costs spiralling and investor confidence at an all-time low, the Government’s plans to put new nuclear power at the centre of UK energy policy make no sense and should be abandoned. Hard-pressed households and businesses can’t afford to subsidise the nuclear industry’s failures. The Coalition should instead be investing in clean renewable energy to drive sustainable growth and jobs in the UK.”

For more information contact the Greenpeace Press Office on 02078658255

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