Greenpeace response to Blair's 'Kyoto-lite' proposal

Last edited 9 December 2004 at 9:00am
9 December, 2004

Responding to reports that Tony Blair is attempting to broker a climate deal with George Bush - dubbed Kyoto-lite - Greenpeace Executive Director Stephen Tindale said:

"Getting Bush to even accept man-made climate change is happening would be real progress, but Tony Blair can't expect plaudits for giving the US administration a gentle private prodding while tens of thousands die and emissions rise under his own government.

"Too often we see Tony Blair standing side-by-side with Bush and not even mentioning what he has called the biggest threat we face. On global warming Bush isn't with us, he's against us. It's time the Prime Minister spent some of the political capital he's amassed in Washington and demanded not just agreement on the science but huge cuts in US emissions."

For more information, contact the Greenpeace press office on 0207 865 8255 / 07801 212967.

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