Greenpeace response to Gordon Brown's pre-Budget report

Last edited 28 November 2002 at 9:00am
28 November, 2002

Responding to today's pre-Budget report by Gordon Brown, Greenpeace Campaigner Mark Strutt said,
"The measures announced to deal with Britains waste in today's pre-Budget report offer little to help the Government out of the waste hole it has dug itself into, because they fail to tackle the incineration issue".

He continued, "Tax on landfill is being heavily increased yet a similar tax on waste incineration is dependent on further studies. If an incineration tax is not forthcoming there will be a new spate of proposals for incinerators that pollute Britain and further fuel the strong public resistance to these plants".

"The Government's waste policy will continue to fail unless they ensure local councils do not simply swap landfill for incineration. By introducing incentives for clean waste disposal the Government can make it clear to councils that incineration is not option."

Further information:
Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255

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