Greenpeace response to Royal Commision on Environmental Pollution report

Last edited 16 June 2000 at 8:00am
16 June, 2000

The Royal Commission has published their long awaited report on fossil fuels and climate change. The Commision endorses the principle that limits should be placed on the burning of oil coal and gas and calls for massive cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. The report also confirms that renewable energy can replace large amounts of fossil fuels as an energy source.

Stephen Tindale, Chief Policy Advisor for Greenpeace, highlighting the importance of the report said,

"This report confirms that fossil fuel economies such as the UK's are on the wrong path - but it also shows that wind and solar power can break our addiction to oil, coal and gas"

He added, " This study makes it clear that tinkering around the edges, which is all Governments are doing now, won't stop climate change wrecking lives and economies in places like Mozambique, or prevent sea level rise flooding large parts of the UK. Nothing short of a massive move away from fossil fuels and into renewable energy will save us from rising seas and weather chaos"

Further information:
Greenpeace Press Office on 020 7865 8255 on 07801 212962

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