Greenpeace welcomes congestion charge extension

Last edited 30 September 2005 at 8:00am
30 September, 2005

Greenpeace today welcome the announcement that London's congestion charge zone will be extended to the Knightsbridge, Kensington and Chelsea areas.

Campaigner Mark Strutt said:

"Ken Livingstone should be congratulated. In a week when scientists warned us about the catastrophic effects of climate change, anything that can get people out of their cars and onto public transport deserves everybody's support. The existing charge scheme has been a great success, despite opponents claiming it would be a failure. Already other cities are looking to copy the London scheme. Many millions of Londoners are rightly proud that their city is leading the world by reducing traffic and the pollution it causes."

Since the introduction of the congestion charge in February 2003:


  • Greenhouse gas emissions in the zone have been reduced by almost 20%.
  • Pollutants that adversely affect Londoner's air quality and health have fallen by 12%.
  • Congestion in the charging zone has fallen by 30%.
  • More than 300,000 people have died as a result of climate change (World Health Organisation figures).


Mark Strutt added: "Congestion charging in London is working. Dangerous global warming emissions in the zone have been cut by almost 20% in the last two years. Not only should the charging zone be extended in London, it should also be adopted nationally. Congestion charging makes London a better place to live and work. With Tony Blair failing to take any action despite 150,000 people dying from climate change every year, it is good to see the Mayor of London has the guts to do something that will have a real effect in reducing greenhouse gas pollution."

Once the western extension is operational, the finish time for charging within the whole of the charging area in London will be brought forward from 6.30pm on weekdays to 6pm. Charging will begin in the new area from February 2007.

For more information, contact the Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255 or 07801 212967.

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