Greenpeace welcomes new planning guidelines to give windfarms a fair chance

Last edited 5 November 2003 at 9:00am
5 November, 2003

First wind turbine at North Hoyle

Greenpeace today welcomed new planning guidelines designed to encourage rather than restrict the building of onshore wind farms. The policy statement was issued today from the office of John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister.

Greenpeace UK Executive Director Stephen Tindale said:

"The Government's new planning guidelines on building wind farms will be a major boost in the fight against global warming. Without urgent action British landscapes, coastlines and wildlife will be irreversibly damaged by flooding, sea level rise, storms and heat waves."

"We hope that these guidelines will lead to more wind farms getting built. This country is the windiest country in Europe and eight out of ten people want more wind farms in Britain."

Greenpeace has joined forces with Friends of the Earth and WWF to develop an interactive, pro-wind website, which is designed to help people actively support the development of clean, renewable energy in their local area.

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