Illegal GE rice contamination spreads to major Chinese city

Last edited 13 June 2005 at 8:00am
13 June, 2005

Beijing - Greenpeace has discovered illegal genetically modified rice in Guangzhou, the largest city in Southern China, raising fears that the untested GM rice is spreading out of control and has entered the food chain in major Chinese cities.

The new evidence was revealed only weeks after Greenpeace exposed the growing of illegal GM rice in Hubei Province.(1) Chinese officials announced they would conduct an investigation into the scandal but it appears that no action has yet been taken - meanwhile contamination appears to be spreading.

Greenpeace campaigner Sze Pang Cheung urged the Chinese government to take immediate action: "Immediate recall actions are needed if we are to prevent consumers from exposure to risks of untested GM rice. There are strong warning signs that this GM Bt rice could cause allergenic reactions, as it did when tested on mice."(2)

Greenpeace researchers collected samples from rice wholesalers in Guangzhou, and two samples tested positive as GM rice in an independent laboratory in Germany.

The news is likely to raise concerns among rice importing countries. "Japan, Korea and the EU commission have already raised concerns with the Chinese government about the possible contamination of Chinese rice exports following the discovery of GM rice in markets in Hubei province," Sze said. "It's increasingly clear that GM rice is not wanted by the international community."

"In March this year, the world's largest rice trader, Riceland, issued a statement calling for GM rice trials in the US to be stopped due to consumer rejection of GM foods," Sze added.

Concerns over GM rice are also rising in China. An opinion poll released by Greenpeace in March showed 73% of Chinese shoppers in Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai would choose non-GM rice over GM rice.

The new research by Greenpeace has also revealed conclusive evidence of the source of the contamination.

"Some GM rice seeds that were sold in the markets were advertised as a product of New Technology Company of Huazhong Agriculture University," Sze said. "This company is owned by the same University that is responsible for field trials of GM rice in Hubei."

Greenpeace estimates that up to 29 tonnes of GM rice seeds have been sold in Hubei this year, and if no recall action is taken, the seeds could produce up to 14,500 tonnes of GM rice when harvested.

"Greenpeace is calling on the Chinese government to take urgent action to recall the unapproved GM rice from the fields and food chain, and to take immediate action against the researchers who are responsible for playing Russian roulette with our staple food crop," Sze concluded.

For more information contact:
Sze Pang Cheung, GE Campaigner, Greenpeace China +86 13911460884 (Beijing)
Natalia Truchi, Media Officer, Greenpeace China, mobile +86 139 10098563 (Beijing)

Notes to Editors:

1.In April a Greenpeace research team discovered unapproved GE rice being sold and grown illegally in Hubei province. An international laboratory in Germany found 19 samples tested positive as GE Bt rice - which is genetically engineered to produce an inbuilt pesticide.

2.Moreno-Fierros, L., García, N., Gutiérrez, R., López-Revilla, R. & Vázquez-Padrón, R.I.2000. Intranasal, rectal and intraperitoneal immunization with protoxin Cry1Ac from Bacillus thuringiensis induces compartmentalized serum, intestinal, vaginal and pulmonary immune responses in Balb/c mice. Microbes and Infectection 2: 885-890 and references therein.

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