Joint China/UK Government statement - joint China/UK Greenpeace response

Last edited 17 June 2014 at 4:23pm
17 June, 2014

Tuesday 17th June, 2014, London - Reacting to today’s joint statement from the UK and Chinese governments on climate change, Greenpeace offices in the two countries made the following responses - 

Ruth Davis, Political Advisor to Greenpeace UK, said -

“It’s heartening to hear the UK and Chinese Governments agreeing on the urgency and importance of climate change policy, helping to build momentum towards a new global climate deal in Paris in 2015. It’s also clear that for China, reducing crippling air pollution and addressing climate change go hand in hand. But whilst China plans new measures to cap coal use and massively boost investment in clean technologies, the UK Government is stubbornly refusing to regulate our aging coal plants, risking both our respiratory health and our climate change commitments.  It’s the 21st century - we need to wake up and call time on the world’s dirtiest fuel.”

Li Shuo, Climate and Energy campaigner for Greenpeace East Asia said -

“With barely eighteen months left before the Paris COP, any future climate agreement will benefit from high level engagement. It is therefore important to see climate change on the agenda of the Chinese Premier's visit to the UK. Air pollution is creating unprecedented domestic pressure to stop the unsustainable consumption of coal in China. The international side of the story is also increasingly clear: a safe, hospitable climate simply cannot cope with continuing coal expansion. When the leaders reconvene in New York this September for the Ban Ki-moon climate summit, strong signals are needed to shift the world away from coal.”



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