National Flood Resilience Review - Greenpeace response

Last edited 8 September 2016 at 11:58am
8 September, 2016

Responding to the Government’s National Flood Resilience Review published today, Dr Doug Parr, Chief Scientist at Greenpeace UK, said:

‘The devastating floods felt by the north of England last year were not a flash in the pan. We know that climate change is only going to increase the impact and frequency of such extreme weather. Investment in flood defence infrastructure is a no-brainer, but the Government now has a critical window to fundamentally reassess how we deliver flood prevention and environmental protection in rural areas.

‘The amount allocated to tackling flooding pales in comparison to the billions doled out to landowners who could be helping to solve the problem but currently aren’t required to do anything to help. Leaving behind the EU’s broken Common Agricultural Policy is a chance for the UK to close the floodgates on wasted public funds going to landowners regardless of how they use their land – and instead prioritise those farmers who help to reduce the risk of flooding in their areas, protect wildlife and provide carbon storage on their land to help combat climate change. That’s a long-term plan which would not only tackle flooding but help to build resilient farming communities that contribute to thriving rural economies.’

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Luke Massey, Press & Communications Officer, 07973 873 155,

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