
National Flood Resilience Review - Greenpeace response

Last edited 8 September 2016 at 11:58am
8 September, 2016

Responding to the Government’s National Flood Resilience Review published today, Dr Doug Parr, Chief Scientist at Greenpeace UK, said:

‘The devastating floods felt by the north of England last year were not a flash in the pan. We know that climate change is only going to increase the impact and frequency of such extreme weather. Investment in flood defence infrastructure is a no-brainer, but the Government now has a critical window to fundamentally reassess how we deliver flood prevention and environmental protection in rural areas.

Strong majority of UK public slams government flood plans

Last edited 28 January 2016 at 10:54am
28 January, 2016

A strong majority of the UK public thinks the government is not spending enough on flood defences and should do more to prevent future flooding, according to a new survey by YouGov.

The findings are published this morning as flood-affected people and campaigners have started installing an artwork opposite Parliament displaying hundreds of testimonies from communities affected by the recent floods.

The stories gathered by Greenpeace include distressing accounts of parents carrying their children out of flooded buildings, older people trapped in their homes, and businesses being wrecked by floodwater. There are also passionate appeals to David Cameron to step up his government’s flood prevention plans in the face of the growing threat from climate change.

Government issues fracking licenses in areas of significant flood risk

Last edited 12 January 2016 at 5:00pm
22 December, 2015

Nearly one-fifth of recent fracking permit blocks offered by the government substantially overlap with zones at significant risk of flooding according to new analysis by Greenpeace’s Energydesk.

23 out of 124 blocks (19%) offered to firms as part of the 14th licensing round were significantly covered by areas at a high or medium risk from flooding, while almost all of the rest of the blocks are partially covered.

The analysis highlights one of the challenges faced by shale gas operations, which must ensure chemicals and flow-back water from drilling is kept from entering the ecosystem.

Government must tackle causes as well as effects of flooding

Last edited 2 December 2014 at 11:49am
2 December, 2014

In response to announcements on flood spending and the Swansea Bay tidal lagoon project, Dr Doug Parr Greenpeace Chief Scientist said:

Is there any kind of weather climate change DOESN’T cause?

Posted by Graham Thompson — 24 February 2014 at 12:23pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
more of that wet stuff

Funny how environmental issues can rocket to the top of the news agenda when UK property prices might be affected. Sorry, that probably came across as slightly cynical, but that’s been the pervading atmosphere in the flooding stories for most of the last month.

Greenpeace maroon Paterson

Last edited 17 February 2014 at 12:04pm

Giant Owen Paterson puppet marooned in dinghy outside Westminster as more abandoned flood plans come to light

17 February, 2014

Monday 17th February 2014, London – This morning, Greenpeace activists have moored a rowing boat within yards of the House of Commons with a stranded Spitting Image style Environment Secretary Owen Paterson on board. Greenpeace is demanding that David Cameron sack him for his total failure to recognise the risks of climate change including more severe flooding.[1]

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Rain pain blame game: our top 5 scapegoats

Posted by Graham Thompson — 10 February 2014 at 3:29pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: unknown
in ur base movin ur goalposts

Britain currently has the rare pleasure of weather really worth talking about, and the enticing possibility of blaming someone for it. It’s a wonder anyone’s talking about anything else.

Of course, in reality the floods were caused by the highest level of sustained rainfall for centuries, probably caused by spiralling global carbon emissions, according to the Met Office and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. But that would kind of make us all partly responsible, and no-one wants to scapegoat themselves, so let’s review our options for who we can pin the flooding on.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Making a connection and making a difference

Posted by mollybrooks — 13 May 2009 at 1:58pm - Comments

Molly and the whaleMolly is our online marketing coordinator and is next up in the blog relay, a whistle-stop tour of Greenpeace staff here in the UK. Click here to catch up on the other entries.

In January 2005, the Onilahy River in southwest Madagascar flooded. Nineteen people were killed and thousands left homeless. The cyclone that caused it was probably exacerbated by climate change; the landslides that followed were definitely made worse by extensive deforestation in the area.

The flood was little reported outside Madagascar. Similar events, caused or worsened by environmental destruction, happen all over the world on a regular basis, and most of them don't make the news. The only reason I know about it is because I was there.

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