New Mox plant annoucement - Greenpeace response

Last edited 1 December 2011 at 2:54pm
1 December, 2011

Responding to the parliamentary written answer from Charles Hendry at Decc announcing the building a new Mox plant, Dr Douglas Parr, Policy Director at Greenpeace UK said:

“This is crazynomics – the reality is that the nuclear fairytale is a nuclear nightmare. Having announced the closure of a Mox plant because it was colossally inefficient and because there was no market for its service the government now wants to build another one that will fast become a hugely expensive white elephant.

"This proposal will lead to a subsidised plant creating subsidised fuel so that subsidised operators can produce subsidised electricity and then receive subsidised waste disposal. The only winners in this are the nuclear operators already rich with their 18% domestic fuel price rises this year.”

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