Nuclear Installations Inspectorate statement - Greenpeace response

Last edited 17 March 2011 at 6:22pm
17 March, 2011

Commenting on a statement released today by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate detailing the timeline for its review into nuclear safety, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

“It is welcome news that this review will be longer and wider in scope than was originally reported. The approval process for new nuclear power station should be suspended while we await the its findings.”

He added:

“While ministers prevaricate over the safety of the proposed programme of new nuclear power stations, Britain continues to lose valuable ground to other nations in the race to develop clean technology solutions to our energy problems. We’re lurching from one energy crisis to the next. Fossil fuels are warming our planet, the era of cheap oil is over and nuclear power is economically unviable and now unlikely to command the necessary public support. This could be the moment when home-grown clean technology solutions finally get the breakthrough they need and deserve.”

Specifically, Greenpeace believes the review should:

  1. Include provisions for public information and consultation.
  2. Look at reactors and other major nuclear facilities such as spent fuel stores.
  3. Take evidence in public.
  4. Remove the confidentiality accorded to commercial operators and instead be wholly transparent.

The statement can be found here.


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