Russian government gives green light to climate change treaty

Last edited 30 September 2004 at 8:00am
30 September, 2004

Greenpeace today welcomed the news that the Russian government has given the green light to the climate change treaty, the Kyoto Protocol today.(1) The final decision on whether Russia will ratify the treaty now rests with the Duma. If it votes in favour, the Kyoto Protocol will enter into force and become international law.(2) Greenpeace International climate campaigner, Steve Sawyer, said: "As the Earth is battered by increasing storms, floods and droughts, President Putin has brought us to a pivotal point in human history today. We are now on the brink of securing the Kyoto Protocol. The Bush Administration is out in the cold and the rest of the world's governments can move forward as one to start tackling climate change, the greatest threat to civilisation the world has ever seen." Under the Kyoto Protocol, industralised countries, responsible for 55% of greenhouse gas emissions, are bound to cut emissions of a basket of six greenhouse gases by just over five per cent for the period 2008-2012. The largest contributor is carbon dioxide, emitted when coal, oil and gas are burned. The United States of America emits one fifth of the world's greenhouse gases, yet the Bush Administration has refused to support efforts to combat climate change. Unless the United States ratifies the Kyoto Protocol, the targets will not be fully achieved. "The Kyoto Protocol is an important first step but we've still a long way to go. To tackle climate change we must stop relying on oil, coal and gas to meet our energy needs and urgently redirect our investment into safer, clean sources of energy such as wind, wave and solar power. We must also use our energy more efficiently," concluded Sawyer.

Notes to Editors: (1) The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the first global response to tackling global warming. As of July 29th 2004, the treaty had been ratified by 124 countries. (2) If the Russian Duma votes in favour of the Kyoto Protocol, Russia will then submit an instrument of ratification the United Nations in New York. Ninety days after the submission, the Kyoto Protocol will become international law

For more information contact: Greenpeace International climate campaigner, Steve Sawyer +31653504715 Greenpeace International Media, Matilda Bradshaw +31653504701

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