Stop Esso campaign spreads from Tyneside to Texas

Last edited 13 May 2002 at 8:00am
13 May, 2002

Esso Purfleet:   villains

The Stop Esso campaign today launched an international week of action against the oil giant, which culminates on Saturday with protests outside more than 400 garages across the United Kingdom.

Stop Esso week was launched in response to the corporation's role in the sabotage of international action on global warming. Esso (ExxonMobil) has done more than any other company to block efforts to reverse climate change. It has run a ten year dirty tricks campaign against scientists and politicians who think we should reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Saturday May 18th will see Britain's biggest-ever global warming protest as thousand of people demonstrate outside hundreds of Esso garages, asking drivers to fill up elsewhere. To join an event at your local Stop Esso garage, visit or phone 0870 010 9510.

The Stop Esso campaign started in Britain one year ago this month. Today it spreads to the United States, where Esso is based, as Greenpeace USA launches a campaign against the richest company in the planet. This week will also see Stop Esso activity in countries across the globe.

People who have pledged to turn out on Stop Esso Day include environmental groups, political parties, youth and student groups, along with members of the public who support the campaign.

Stop Esso was launched a year ago by a coalition of Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and People & Planet, in response to the US Government's backdown from the international climate treaty, the Kyoto Protocol. The main power behind this was Esso. George W Bush's new US climate plan mirrors Esso's demands and will increase carbon dioxide emissions by up to 45% over Kyoto targets in the next ten years. Then last month, at Esso's request, the US successfully managed to oust British-born climate scientist Dr Robert Watson from his role as head of the UN's advisory panel on global warming. Esso didn't like his outspoken opinions about the urgent need for action on climate change. It couldn't change the science so it changed the scientist.

Cindy Baxter of the Stop Esso campaign said: "This company has to learn that it can't bake the planet for profit. On Saturday Esso will experience the strength of people's anger when thousands protest outside Esso garages. Anyone can take part, either by joining a protest or simply by refusing to buy Esso petrol."

Further information:
Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255
Stop Esso Campaign 020 7354 5708

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