stop esso

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Stop Esso

Last edited 14 December 2006 at 11:48am

Esso funds groups to produce junk science that denies climate changeEsso has done more than any other company to stop the world from tackling climate change.

For over a decade, it has tried to sabotage international climate change negotiations and block agreements that would lead to greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

Activists disrupt oil industry annual jamboree

Posted by bex — 16 February 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Volunteers hold "climate crime scene" tape

On the day the world finally enacted Kyoto, the oil industry tried to hold a huge party to say, 'we don't care, it's business as usual'. We hope for at least one evening they've been forced to face the reality of what they're doing.

Global warming "a conspiracy against America" says Bush advisor

Last edited 4 November 2004 at 9:00am
4 November, 2004

An advisor to President Bush on climate issues today claimed global warming is a myth designed to 'hamper American competitiveness.' Myron Ebell, a director at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, today told Radio 4 that claims the climate is threatened are 'ridiculous, unrealistic and alarmist.'

"Global warming is a conspiracy against America"

Posted by bex — 4 November 2004 at 9:00am - Comments
Don't Buy Esso: Bad CompanyAs a taste of what is to come during a second term with Bush, an advisor to the President on climate issues came out claiming global warming is a myth designed to 'hamper American competitiveness.'

Myron Ebell, a director at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, told the BBC's Radio 4 that claims that the climate is threatened are "ridiculous, unrealistic and alarmist."

Esso tells staff to vote for oil - vote for Bush

Posted by bex — 11 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
The President of the Unites States: Esso

The President of the Unites States: Esso

There's nothing nastier than a wounded tiger. Esso is licking its wounds as Russia moves closer to ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. But the world's number one environmental criminal is still fighting tooth and nail to deny the truth about climate change. The US government is increasingly isolated and Esso is out to ensure its workers keep it that way by voting for US politicians who oppose action against global warming.

When tigers attack...

Posted by bex — 28 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
The Esso conference is besieged by climate change protesters

The Esso conference is besieged by climate change protesters

The day after tomorrow: who will you blame?

Last edited 7 May 2004 at 8:00am
7 May, 2004

Environmental campaigners have taken up a challenge from the producers of the upcoming blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow, by launching a new website. is a spoof on the dot com website of the same name. The movie, to be launched on 28 May, recounts a fictional disaster in which climate change brings about a new ice age. The producers have stated that campaigners should take advantage of the film.

Pentagon predicts climate chaos

Posted by bex — 25 February 2004 at 9:00am - Comments

Wasting energy - power station cooling towers are grossly inefficient

StopE$$o logo legal, French court rules

Posted by bex — 4 February 2004 at 9:00am - Comments
Stop Esso campaign logoGreenpeace hailed a Paris judge's ruling permitting the use of a parody of the Esso logo on its StopEsso website as a victory for freedom of expression on the internet, as well as for the climate.

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