Tony Blair's resignation - Greenpeace response

Last edited 10 May 2007 at 12:00am
10 May, 2007

Responding to the news of Tony Blair’s resignation as leader of the Labour party, Greenpeace's climate change manager Charlie Kronick said:

"Tony Blair's performance on a national level has made a mockery of his claims to global leadership on the issue of climate change. Emissions of carbon dioxide are higher now than in 1997, and the government has not shown anywhere near the sustained commitment to renewable energy and energy efficiency that this country needs.

"He has tried to bounce the country into accepting a new generation of nuclear power stations without a proper public consultation, which is only now being partially undertaken after the intervention of the high court. What's more, this government's aviation policy is madness, providing for an unrestrained growth in flights and airports - the fastest growing source of international carbon emissions. For all the soaring international rhetoric, it is Blair's weak performance at home that has brought his legacy bumping down to earth."

For more information contact the Greenpeace press office on 0207 865 8255.

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