Top fashion designers create toxic-free collection to persuade EU to ban dangerous chemicals

Last edited 19 June 2006 at 8:00am
19 June, 2006

16 fashion designers link up with Greenpeace to lobby EU for comprehensive ban on chemicals that harm human health

Madrid - Sixteen top fashion designers, including Carmen March, Antonio Pernas and Jocomomola [1], showed that they believe in substance as well as style at a glittering catwalk show in Madrid, today, when they unveiled one-off creations designed to avoid the use of toxic chemicals which are currently widely used in clothing. Fashion giants Mango and Camper also joined the initiative by committing to phase out dangerous chemicals from their lines.

At 'Moda sin Toóxicos', a catwalk show organised by Greenpeace, the designers joined in the lobby to phase out chemicals which can harm the immune and nervous system, affect genital development, cause reproductive disorders and cancer [2] - and called for their replacement with safer alternatives.

Meanwhile, high-street fashion giant Mango announced a long-term commitment to remove hazardous chemicals from its entire production world-wide, following talks with Greenpeace. Mallorcan family firm-turned-global brand Camper, too, is going to stop using dangerous substances in its shoes, while Inditex (owner of Zara, Massimo Dutti and other stores), supported designers in the search for toxic-free fabrics.

Helen Perivier, Greenpeace International toxics campaigner, said: "These fashion leaders work in a highly competitive industry, and are keen to put environmental and health concerns at the heart of their priorities. Innovative small businesses like theirs must currently go to extraordinary lengths to find materials that do not contain harmful chemicals; what they should be getting are guarantees that chemicals on the market are safe."

It was a well-dressed wake-up call to grey-suited types in Brussels, who later this year will vote on new rules to govern the chemical industry. This autumn, the EU will decide on the fate of the new chemicals regulation called REACH [3]. At the heart of the debate is whether the new law will give a clear signal to industry to substitute hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives or not. Currently, thousands of chemicals are used in consumer products with little or no health or safety assessments, leading to widespread contamination. An unborn baby may now be exposed to 100 man-made chemicals before it is even born.

Chemical producers have mobilised a strong opposition to REACH in Brussels, losing no opportunity to undermine its power to protect human health and the environment. In contrast, many other companies which use chemicals in their products see advantages in a REACH that could guarantee safer materials.

Commenting on the catwalk show, Mario Rodríguez, Greenpeace Spain campaigns director, said: "The beautiful clothes that we have seen today prove that it is possible to avoid toxic chemicals in clothing and still be stylish. We urge the EU to ensure that this unique event will one day be the norm; so that we can be sure that all our clothes have been made without using chemicals that can harm our health and our environment."

Greenpeace UK Press Office - 020 7865 8255

1. The 16 designers who participated in the show are: &Acute;gatha Ruiz de la Prada, Anke Schlöder, Antonio Pernas, Carlos Díez, Carmen March, David Delfín, Hannibal Laguna, Ion Fiz, Jocomomola, Josep Abril, Juana Martín, Juanjo Oliva, La casita de Wendy, Locking Shocking, Luxoir and Txell Míras.

2. The chemicals which the designers took steps to avoid using include the most hazardous substances commonly used in the textile sector: lead, nickel, chromium IV, aryl amines, phthalates and formaldehyde.

3. REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals.

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