UK energy review - Greenpeace response

Last edited 11 July 2006 at 8:00am
11 July, 2006

Reacting to the publication of the Government's energy reviewGreenpeace executive director Stephen Tindale said:

"Tony Blair is fixated with getting new nuclear power stations built, and that means anything substantial in this review that supports clean green energy will be fatally undermined as long as Blair remains Prime Minister. You can't roll out new nuclear power stations and build widespread sustainable energy projects. The reality is that nuclear sucks up all the money. There is an enormous radioactive cloud hanging over this energy review which threatens to drown any positive moves on decentralised energy, renewables and energy efficiency."

He continued:

"This energy review should have been about transforming the energy system in the UK. The Government is trampling over democracy, ensuring that the planning process is streamlined in favour of building new nuclear power stations with no guarantee of a Parliamentary vote. The only thing that is guaranteed is that the Government will deliver a nuclear White Paper before the end of the year - before the 'consultation' on decentralised energy will even be complete.

"A commitment to decentralised energy - making power generation localised and vastly more efficient - would have been a positive development, as would have been real support for renewable energy projects. Instead we get more talk. The pro-nuclear small print in this review shows that Blair is a roadblock to reform."

Mr Tindale added:

"David Cameron, David Miliband and the Lib Dems all understand decentralised energy. When Tony Blair leaves office Britain can get on with tackling climate change and fostering energy security without reaching for the technologies of the past. Blair fixed his own energy review to make it a manifesto for nuclear power. With Blair in Government, the chances of actually addressing climate change and ensuring energy security diminish by the day."

In 2003 at the announcement of the Energy White Paper, Patricia Hewitt said:

"It would have been foolish to announce that we would embark on a new generation of nuclear power stations because that would have guaranteed that we would not make the necessary investment in both energy efficiency and renewables. That is why we are not going to build a new generation of nuclear power stations now."

(Hansard; 24 February 2003 : Column 32)

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