UK supermarkets move out of GM-fed animal products

Last edited 20 December 1999 at 9:00am
20 December, 1999

A new survey of British supermarkets by Greenpeace has revealed that major food retailers are rushing to source meat, eggs and dairy products from non-GM fed animals to counter widespread customer concern.

Tesco, the largest food retailer in the UK with an annual food turnover of £3,678 million, has already written to major international animal feed suppliers, Cargill and Archer Daniel Midlands, informing them of their intention to obtain the "complete elimination of GM ingredients from animal feed".

Although imports of GM soya and maize into Europe have fallen due to widespread customer resistance, huge quantities of GM crops are still shipped in to feed animals. In 1998, 6.5 million metric tonnes of US soya were imported into the EU - the vast majority destined for animal feed. The decision by major food retailers to insist on animal products from non-GM sources will have a major impact on agriculture in the USA, Canada and Argentina (the major GM-crop growing countries) whilst bringing good news to GM-free farmers in Brazil and Europe.

John Sauven, Campaign Director at Greenpeace, said: "British supermarkets are racing to rid themselves of the last vestiges of GM contamination as a result of direct consumer pressure. GM animal feed has become a key target in the battle against genetic contamination in Europe. Farmers in the USA and Canada should switch to non-GM crops before their multi-billion dollar international market evaporates."

The supermarket chain Iceland has stated that the ban on genetically modified ingredients in the feed given to its whole range of fresh and frozen poultry will take effect from February 2000. Iceland is second to Tesco in poultry sales. Iceland predicts its switch to non-GM animal feed will ensure non-GM supplies across Europe. The Sainsbury's supermarket chain said "it was inevitable that we should turn our attention to the presence of GM constituents in animal feedstuffs."

John Sauven continued: "The sudden rush by UK food retailers to abandon GM animal feed is a decisive blow to the biotechnology industry and the multinationals who seek to shove GM products down the throats of Europeans. This Christmas may be the last that we have to put up with GM-fed turkey on the menu and will bring good news for farmers around the world who are GM-free."

The Greenpeace survey was based on correspondence and telephone calls with all of the UK's major food retailers during October, November and December 1999. Full results are available from Greenpeace along with copies of all correspondence.

Further information:
Greenpeace press office on: 020 7865 8255

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