UK's leading garden centre exposed in rainforest scandal

Last edited 24 March 2005 at 9:00am
24 March, 2005

WYEVALE GARDEN CENTRES are responsible for trashing endangered rainforests and helping to fund one of the most brutal military dictatorships in the world, Greenpeace has revealed today.

The timber for Wyevale's 2005 garden furniture range has come from the last rainforests of south-east Asia. The disgraced garden centre chain is also purchasing timber from Burma, providing a key source of revenue to the country's military dictatorship.The announcement came as Greenpeace revealed this year's league table of garden furniture retailers, with Wyevale firmly placed at the bottom. The league table has been compiled following a four-month investigation by Greenpeace, which has identified that some of the UK's largest retailers continue to sell timber from the destruction of the world's last rainforests.

Documents provided by Wyevale indicate that the timber used for some of its garden furniture is exported from the port of Labuan, off the coast of Malaysia. This port is one the main centres for smuggling illegal Indonesian timber, which passes through Malaysia and on to furniture manufacturers in the Far East.

Wyevale is the largest garden centre chain in the UK, with over 110 stores in England and Wales. Garden furniture sales in the UK in 2003 peaked at £557 million.

Retailers such as Argos are selling furniture from Indonesia, where nearly 90% of logging is estimated to be illegal. Illegal and destructive logging in the rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia is driving critically endangered species such as the orang-utan to the brink of extinction, where it is estimated that as much as half the population of orang-utans has been wiped out in just ten years.

However, some retailers, such as B&Q and Tesco have taken positive steps to remove uncertified rainforest timber from their stores. These retailers sell garden furniture certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) - the only way consumers can buy garden furniture confident in the knowledge that it hasn't come from ancient forest destruction.

Greenpeace has also developed an easy-to-use online guide to buying garden furniture. It is designed to help consumers identify which shops sell environmentally friendly garden furniture, as well as those who still sell furniture from rainforest destruction.

Nathan Argent, Greenpeace forest campaigner said: "Wyevale have acted disgracefully by buying timber pillaged from some of the world's last rainforests in order to sell garden furniture. There is absolutely no excuse for this abhorrent behaviour.Wyevale is one of the few places in the UK where you can help destroy rainforests and fund a military dictatorship in one visit. No-one wants their garden to become a graveyard for the world's last rainforests. Customers should buy only garden furniture that has been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council - the only way to be sure that it is from legal and well-managed sources."

For more information or background pictures call Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255.

To check out the online consumer guide visit

Click here to see the garden furniture league table.

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