Energy Policy at the crossroads

Last edited 14 October 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Publication date: October 2002

The Government urgently needs to find alternatives to oil, coal and gas to help stop global warming. The options are building more nuclear power stations or using renewable energy from the wind, waves and sun.

The decision should be easy. Renewable energy is affordable, safe and clean and the UK has some of the best renewable energy resources in Europe. Wind power at sea alone could meet our electricity needs three times over AND bring thousands of jobs to the UK.

Nuclear power, on the other hand, is expensive, dangerous and produces deadly radioactive waste that poses a threat to our health and the environment for hundreds of thousands of years.

Yet, despite the risks of nuclear power and massive public opposition, the Government is seriously considering giving the go-ahead for building more nuclear power stations across the UK.

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