Europe's Renewable Energy Revolution

Last edited 22 January 2008 at 11:21am
Publication date: 
22 January, 2008

The next twelve years will see Britain embark on an unprecedented push to build clean energy projects as ministers across Europe prepare to embrace new, more ambitious renewable energy targets.

Greenpeace understands that under figures to be announced tomorrow the UK will be required to generate around 15 per cent of its total energy (electricity, heat and transport) from renewables by 2020. Different EU countries have been allocated different targets depending on their circumstances.

Although the UK's 15 per cent target is lower than most, its successful implementation would mean Britain is about to witness a clean energy revolution. The new target is part of an EU push to provide 20 per cent of Europe's energy from renewable sources by 2020.

This briefing outlines the main issues raised by these ambitious targets.

Download the report:

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