Exxon's weapons of mass deception

Last edited 25 October 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
10 July, 2009

Foreword by Bianca Jagger

Publication date: October 2002

For the last ten years ExxonMobil, the worlds largest oil company, has waged a campaign of deception and dirty tricks to bring down international action to tackle global warming. Unless the international community acts to eliminate the clear and present danger posed by ExxonMobil, unchecked global warming will kill millions of people through floods, storms, droughts and disease.

When President Bush announced that the US would be pulling out of the Kyoto Treaty in March 2001, the hand of ExxonMobil was all over his policy. This company stands out from the rest in its efforts to bring about Bush's climate climb-down. ExxonMobil (known as Esso in Europe) has made a concerted effort to turn its interests into government policy, steering the US away from international action, not only through direct lobbying but also through covert activities, funding and support for industry lobbying organisations and climate-sceptic scientists.

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