There is more than one way to save the planet

Posted by Esther Freeman — 29 March 2011 at 5:47pm - Comments
Model on the catwalk
by-nc-sa. Credit: Ammar Abd Rabbo

In response to Rachel's recent blog about taking in part in direct actions in such a male-orientated world as Greenpeace, Esther explains that you don't necessarily have to climb tall buildings to have an impact.

Some women have a touch of the Lara Croft about them, but others - no matter how hard we try - would always prefer a nice bit of cake and a day out shopping to climbing up chimneys. Not that there is anything wrong with this – after all, there is more than one way to save the planet.

My passion is fashion, but I have long been concerned about the environmental impact the industry created. Every year around 1.2 billion tonnes of textile waste ends up in landfill, and where we once had only two fashion seasons per year, we can now have as many as eight.

The tight turnaround times of the fast fashion industry puts enormous pressure on natural resources, and creates a huge carbon footprint. All in all the fashion industry is creating one big stink.

But a whole new generation of designers and fashionistas are coming through who want change. From labels who use recycled fabrics, to slow consultancy services, it is now possible to look good on the outside and feel good on the inside.

One type of sustainable fashion event that is growing in popularity is the swish. A swish is a sustainable fashion event where people can bring along their old clothes and swap them for something donated by someone else. It works on the principal that one girl’s junk is another girl’s treasure.

On Sunday 3 April, the Islington and Bethnal Green Greenpeace networks are joining together to run a swish. It is being held at Ms Wanda’s Wardrobe, 3-5 Whitechapel Road, London E1. Entry costs £5 to enter, with all profits going to Greenpeace. More details here.

Come along, get a new outfit, and then sit back and enjoy a nice bit of tea and cake with a nice warm feeling that you’ve just engaged in your own type of activism.

Find out more about what the Islington and Bethnal Green Greenpeace supporters get up to, or search for a Greenpeace group in your part of the UK.

About Esther Freeman

I'm a proud E17-er and (perodically) dedicated Greenpeace Waltham Forest volunteer. I'm passionate about people power and believe in cat videos for social good.

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