Time to move beyond fossil fuels

Posted by petespeller — 22 September 2011 at 12:09pm - Comments

Greenpeace supporters will join tens of thousands of other people across the world this Saturday for the Moving Planet event, calling on our leaders to move beyond fossil fuels.

Whilst the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise is exposing threats to the Arctic caused by fossil fuels, people around the world will join together to call on our leaders to move beyond fossil fuels.

Moving Planet will bring together people in 175 different countries (and counting) and many organisations to get moving for a world without fossil fuels. People will be hosting events to draw attention to our addiction to fossil fuels and demonstrate sustainable solutions as well as calling on political leaders across the globe to move beyond fossil fuels.

No one knows how much climate change we can withstand, but we know that climate change is already harming people and ecosystems around the globe. Unless we act soon it will be too late to tackle the problem. Political action has been slow but with the UN's next round of climate talks in South Africa coming up now is the time to demand action.

Amongst the events planned are a cycle ride through Edinburgh, bike rides linking problems with solutions, a mass bicycle aerial photo, parties, carnivals, rallies and film screenings. Check out the local groups network to find out what Greenpeace supporters are up to in your area or check out the Moving Planet website for ideas on holding your own event.

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