Fossil Fuels

Greenpeace activists scale Apple's HQ in Ireland

Posted by petespeller — 18 April 2012 at 11:23am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Kim Haughton / Greenpeace
Greenpeace activists on the glass frontage of Apple's HQ in Ireland

Early this morning climbers from Greenpeace International scaled the European HQ of computer giant Apple in Cork, Ireland challenging Apple to clean up its act and stop powering their iCloud with dirty coal. The very public message covering 15 metres by 5 metres across the glass roof of the HQ asks the company to ‘Clean Our Cloud’.

Time to move beyond fossil fuels

Posted by petespeller — 22 September 2011 at 12:09pm - Comments

Greenpeace supporters will join tens of thousands of other people across the world this Saturday for the Moving Planet event, calling on our leaders to move beyond fossil fuels.

BP AGM Live coverage feed

Posted by jamess — 14 April 2011 at 9:42am - Comments

Today was the first BP Annual General Meeting since the Gulf of Mexico oil spill - where both furious investors and protesters voiced their frustrations at BP's abysmal handling of the disaster. Greenpeace were there - here's our live feed of tweets, news, images and videos from the event at Excel London:

Deepwater disaster: Sunrise heads to Gulf to assess oil spill impacts

Posted by jossc — 21 July 2010 at 11:34am - Comments

Greenpeace USA's Mike Gaworecki reports from the Arctic Sunrise as it makes its way to the Gulf to conduct a three-month expedition documenting the true impacts of the BP Deepwater Disaster on the region's marine life and unique ecosystems.

Since the Deepwater Horizon offshore rig exploded and sank in April, BP has devoted inadequate resources to the oil spill response, withheld information from the American public, and denied access to spill sites to journalists.

So our ship the Arctic Sunrise is heading to the Gulf to do an independent assessment of the impacts. We believe it’s way past time the full, unabridged truth about the extent and nature of this oil catastrophe was told to America and the world.

Read the full blog »

Slideshow: Devastation following the spill from the BP Deepwater platform

Posted by jossc — 21 July 2010 at 11:02am - Comments

As efforts to contain the oil spill continue, a new slideshow from our US colleagues details the ongoing consequences of the massive slick from the BP Deepwater Horizon platform in the Gulf of Mexico.

And you can see the complete Gulf Oil Spill photoset on Flickr as well.

BP = Biodiversity Perishes

Posted by Willie — 1 May 2010 at 5:25pm - Comments

Gulf of Mexico oil slick: the view from space © NASA

The Gulf of Mexico is in the news right now, because of a catastrophic oil spill. You will probably already have seen the pictures. We’ve already pointed out that this is yet another example of the impact our global dependency on oil is having, and how BP in particular, are at fault for their relentless pursuit of the black stuff. They’ll seemingly stop at nothing to fill up oil barrels.

The images we most associate with oil spills are of the impact on wildlife: sea otters in Prince William Sound , or seabirds in Shetland, covered with oil. It’s a dramatic and easily understood impact on our seas’ biodiversity.

BP Deepwater: oil slick hits the Gulf Coast

Posted by jossc — 30 April 2010 at 3:14pm - Comments

Gulf Coast disaster: Seabirds surrounded by oil booms © Sean Gardner/Greenpeace

America woke up to what could be one of the biggest environmental disasters in its history this morning as crude oil from the wrecked BP rig Deepwater Horizon started to wash ashore along Louisiana's Gulf coast.

The 5,000 square kilometre slick threatens to devastate fisheries, wildlife refuges and bird sanctuaries. Louisiana is most at risk, but Mississippi, Alabama and Florida are also in danger.

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