Sparking off the energy revolution

Posted by bex — 19 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
wind turbine manufacturing

wind turbine manufacturing

This man may not look like much of an environmentalist, but he is helping to build a future that is not only clean and green, but one that will generate jobs and create a new industry in Britain.

Wind power is the world's fastest growing energy source, and because of the government's commitment to have 20% of our electricity coming from renewable sources, it has really taken off in the UK too.

Wind power has great benefits for the environment delivering clean energy without emitting carbon dioxide, the source of climate change, but it has the potential for huge benefits to society and the economy as well.

Greenpeace teamed up with Europe's leading authority on sustainable energy and carbon management, Energy for Sustainable Development Ltd to research the potential job benefits arising from offshore wind power development in the UK. The report Offshore wind, onshore jobs shows that the growing industry could bring up to 76,000 new jobs to the UK with up to 38,000 of them in the North East region of England.

The UK has the largest wind energy resources in Europe, and while manufacturing of turbines remains low in the UK, experience from around the world shows that manufacturing tends to grow in areas where the growth of wind power is strongest.

The North East region, with its long history of manufacturing capacity, strong skills base and access to seaports, is ideally placed to reap the benefits of the wind power industry.

For each job created directly in a wind turbine manufacturing plant, many more will be created 'indirectly' in the supply chain that feeds both that plant and the installation, operation and maintenance of turbines.

What is needed is for the government to support and encourage investment in the development of the wind power manufacturing and support industries based in the UK. Climate change is the biggest threat we face, and the manufacturing expertise in the North East must be harnessed to build the renewable energy technology that will help defeat global warming. Trade unions, government and Greenpeace all recognise the double win for jobs and the environment that renewable energy offers the North East.

And so does Tony Blair.

"This new Greenpeace report shows that tackling global warming isn't just good news for our environment. By embracing renewable energy we can boost manufacturing industry and create new jobs in the areas that need them most," said Prime Minister Tony Blair, a North East MP.

What is needed from the government?

The UK government must:

  • give its full backing to the development of offshore wind projects already offered land leases
  • establish further leases to create future markets
  • ensure offshore wind power is able to attract the necessary level of finance; and
  • encourage increased support for offshore wind power from European Union institutions.

Download the report: Offshore wind, onshore jobs - a new industry for Britain, pdf(1.673Mb)



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