Wind Power

Offshore wind cheaper than gas by end of decade

Posted by Lawrence Carter — 8 March 2013 at 3:35pm - Comments
Offshore Wind Farm Baltic One
All rights reserved. Credit: Paul Langrock / Zenit / Greenpeace

Imagine a wind turbine so big that it would take Usain Bolt 19.32 seconds to run across the 200m diameter of its blades (before plunging tragically into the sea). This is what wind manufacturer Dong says will help bring the cost of offshore wind down to below that of new gas-fired power stations (the size of the blades, not Bolt’s premature demise).

Government kicks clean electricity into the long grass

Posted by Richardg — 23 November 2012 at 5:39pm - Comments
Giant energy bill outside Centrica offices
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Giant energy bill outside Centrica offices

If a year is a long time in politics, then 2016 is a lifetime away. Yet the government has decided not to commit the UK to clean electricity until after the next election.

#Energygate: What we found and why it matters

Posted by petespeller — 14 November 2012 at 3:44pm - Comments

Today we’ve exposed explosive evidence of the lengths to which some Conservative Party MPs will go to sabotage progress on climate change. We’ve uncovered a plot to dismantle the Climate Change Act and one Tory MP involved in trying to manipulate a by-election to push his own anti-wind agenda.

Record wind power generation in Spain

Posted by petespeller — 9 October 2012 at 12:04pm - Comments
Technicians put up wind turbines in Spain
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

On a windy night in September, whilst most people were sleeping, wind power reached a record of 64.2% of Spain’s electricity demand.

Zombies sneak under the wire

Posted by Graham Thompson — 10 February 2012 at 9:54pm - Comments

Thursday we issued a zombie warning – we had concerns that armies of undead arguments were likely to crawl from their graves onto ITV’s ‘Tonight: the real cost of going green’. Did you spot any?

Well, perhaps not entire armies - ITV were a bit more sensible than we expected. And they were a lot more sensible than the Panorama crew who based a whole documentary on a KPMG report on the costs of renewables, which they never actually saw, and which KPMG have now decided not to release. Overall, Tonight was relatively even-handed. Perhaps the KPMG fiasco has taught the media to be a bit less trusting of dubious pronouncements on green energy. 

Nevertheless, a few zombies did manage to sneak under the wire.

Turbines are go! British wind power hits record levels

Posted by jossc — 8 September 2010 at 4:55pm - Comments

Great news - Britain's wind farms generated record levels of power on Monday, providing 5 per cent of all power supplied to the National Grid over the course of the day.

The Grid confirmed that 40.5GWh out of a total 809.5GWh was provided by wind farms over the 24-hour period, with wind output peaking at 1,860 megawatts at 8.30pm.

A National Grid spokesperson said that, including direct output from turbines not conected to the grid, "about 10 per cent of total electricity demand would have been met by wind power. It is a pretty big landmark for the industry."

Wind power myths are blown away

Posted by jamie — 9 July 2009 at 2:34pm - Comments

If you've ever tried to convince people down the pub about wind power and how it can help steer us away from climate catastrophe, you'll be familiar with the arguments used to dismiss it. The technology is too expensive; electricity bills will rocket; and (one that's often tripped me up) what happens when the wind stops blowing and the lights go out?

If that's the case, then for your next pub discussion arm yourself with a new study by energy analyst David Milborrow which successfully trounces all those claims and more. A joint commission by Greenpeace, WWF, RSPB and Friends of the Earth, it's being launched in advance of the government's renewable energy strategy that is expected next week.

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