Action stations as Greenpeace volunteers shut down Esso's fuel supply

Posted by bex — 24 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
Esso Purfleet: tiger and banner

Esso Purfleet: tiger and banner

Update: 02:00
Hot, exhausted and but still growling, the volunteer who spent nearly 15 hours up a 60ft light mast in a tiger costume was finally craned off by the police and arrested at around 8pm. She was one of the last Greenpeace volunteers to be removed from Esso's fuel supply depot. As they were removed, one by one, and led away by the police the volunteers waved to the supporters at the gates and got waves and cheers of support in return.

Rob Gueterbock said: "This campaign to stop Esso is amazing. Today Greenpeace has stopped around 200 Esso tanker deliveries. But what makes it so amazing is that it is just one small part of a much bigger campaign against Esso. Across the world people are rising up against Esso, occupying their offices, shutting down their petrol stations and, above all, boycotting Esso. If this global campaign to stop Esso keeps growing as it has over the last two months, we can, and we will stop the world's number one global warming villain.

Update: 17:00
The police have broken into the two containers blocking the main entrances of the Esso depot and arrrested the volunteers within. Approximately two thirds of the volunteers have now been peacefully detained including two tigers. A police cherry picker is on site enabling Police to chat with the Tigers still up in the towers.

Update: 13:00
One of Esso's primary fuel depots continues to be peacefully occupied by Greenpeace volunteers determined to get their message across to the climate bullies otherwise known as Bush and Esso. Three volunteers have been arrested although 5 vans of police continue to prowl around the depot contentedly.

Fifty-two Greenpeace volunteers and five 'rogue' tigers have shut down Esso's fuel distribution centre at Purfleet, Essex.

As dawn broke this morning the heroic volunteers shut down the plant in a move to put pressure on Esso to protect the planet as loud speakers snarled out the sound of roaring tigers.

Esso is the world's number one global warming villain and is behind George Bush's refusal to sign up the US to the Kyoto climate treaty.

The team of volunteers blocked Esso tankers at the entrance and exit to the fuel depot with two large customised shipping containers bolted to the road. Two volunteers are chained inside each container, which are covered with posters of George Bush and Esso.

A second team of volunteers and tigers has shut down the fuel supply to the petrol tankers before occupying various parts of the site.
The Purfleet plant distributes around 15% of Esso's fuels in the UK and is the re-fuelling point for 250 tankers a day. Greenpeace has notified essential services that the Purfleet plant is closed and there are alternative supplies nearby.


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