Defend oceans

Last edited 25 February 2016 at 1:08pm

Our beautiful oceans are home to a staggering 80% of life on Earth. But destructive fishing, pollution and climate change are damaging them on a scale unimaginable to most people. Species are being driven towards extinction because of overfishing and habitat destruction. We are campaigning for marine reserves, and for an end to unsustainable fishing.

Campaign updates

312,239 signatures on the microbeads petition

Taking Microbeads straight to No10!

Yesterday, on a rainy summer’s day we took the petition urging David Cameron to ban microbeads to Number 10 Downing Street, complete with 312,239 of YOUR...
Posted by Fiona Nicholls - 9 June, 2016 - 14:27

Baby fish are hooked on plastic junk food

Today brought yet more evidence that putting plastic in the ocean is probably not the best idea humankind has ever had.Scientists from Uppsala University in...
Posted by alice.hunter - 3 June, 2016 - 11:15

Baby fish are hooked on plastic junk food

Today brought yet more evidence that putting plastic in the ocean is probably not the best idea humankind has ever had.Scientists from Uppsala University in...
Posted by alice.hunter - 3 June, 2016 - 11:15

Fishing for plankton is ridiculous.

In the ocean, plankton is food. There are two types of plankton – tiny plants (phytoplankton) and tiny animals (zooplankton). Zooplankton includes some eggs...
Posted by Willie - 1 June, 2016 - 17:04

Fishing for plankton is ridiculous.

In the ocean, plankton is food. There are two types of plankton – tiny plants (phytoplankton) and tiny animals (zooplankton). Zooplankton includes some eggs...
Posted by Willie - 1 June, 2016 - 17:04

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