Defend oceans

Last edited 25 February 2016 at 1:08pm

Our beautiful oceans are home to a staggering 80% of life on Earth. But destructive fishing, pollution and climate change are damaging them on a scale unimaginable to most people. Species are being driven towards extinction because of overfishing and habitat destruction. We are campaigning for marine reserves, and for an end to unsustainable fishing.

Campaign updates

In Pictures: Flipper flying there under the sea, it's Dolphin Awareness Month

It’s March and it's Dolphin Awareness Month! Dolphins are extremely intelligent and social animals that live in pods, can swim at a speed of up to 25 miles per...
Posted by Angela Glienicke - 3 March, 2016 - 13:40

In Pictures: Flipper flying there under the sea, it's Dolphin Awareness Month

It’s March and it's Dolphin Awareness Month! Dolphins are extremely intelligent and social animals that live in pods, can swim at a speed of up to 25 miles per...
Posted by Angela Glienicke - 3 March, 2016 - 13:40

Iceland's fin whale hunt cancelled for 2016

No endangered fin whales will be hunted in Iceland this year. This is great news. Word today from colleagues in Iceland, and now reports in both Icelandic and...
Posted by Willie - 25 February, 2016 - 13:24

Iceland's fin whale hunt cancelled for 2016

No endangered fin whales will be hunted in Iceland this year. This is great news. Word today from colleagues in Iceland, and now reports in both Icelandic and...
Posted by Willie - 25 February, 2016 - 13:24

World's oldest wild bird has a new chick - but is it a doomed messenger in an increasingly polluted ocean?

Imagine becoming a parent at the age of 65. It might seem miraculous but that is what has happened to the world’s oldest known wild bird, an Albatross living...
Posted by Willie - 16 February, 2016 - 14:31

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