Defend oceans

Last edited 25 February 2016 at 1:08pm

Our beautiful oceans are home to a staggering 80% of life on Earth. But destructive fishing, pollution and climate change are damaging them on a scale unimaginable to most people. Species are being driven towards extinction because of overfishing and habitat destruction. We are campaigning for marine reserves, and for an end to unsustainable fishing.

Campaign updates

3 ways Tesco is lying to its customers

Busted: Tesco are dishing out fishy lies again. And they’re hoping that we’ll all swallow it, hook, line and sinker. Let’s set the record straight. Tesco is...
Posted by Ariana Densham - 28 March, 2014 - 18:49

Why Greenpeace can't - and won't - endorse farmed salmon

Greenpeace doesn’t endorse farmed salmon. There you go, that’s it in black and white. Next time you see someone say we do – feel free to forward a link to this...
Posted by Willie - 21 March, 2014 - 16:13

Why Greenpeace can't - and won't - endorse farmed salmon

Greenpeace doesn’t endorse farmed salmon. There you go, that’s it in black and white. Next time you see someone say we do – feel free to forward a link to this...
Posted by Willie - 21 March, 2014 - 16:13

That tuna doesn't belong there!

Dirty, unsustainable tuna like Oriental and Pacific doesn’t belong on Tesco shelves (for more about why that is, check out this story, or read on!)Which has...
Posted by victoriah - 11 March, 2014 - 15:52

That tuna doesn't belong there!

Dirty, unsustainable tuna like Oriental and Pacific doesn’t belong on Tesco shelves (for more about why that is, check out this story, or read on!)Which has...
Posted by victoriah - 11 March, 2014 - 15:52

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