Help us stamp out beam trawling

Last edited 21 November 2006 at 6:57pm

Stamp out beam trawling

Your help in getting supermarkets to sort out their seafood is vital! As a consumer and potential customer, your concerns about what supermarkets sell can really put pressure on supermarket bosses to change their practices.

In the UK, nearly 90 per cent of seafood sales are made through supermarkets - this places a great deal of responsibility for fishing and how it is conducted firmly at the supermarkets' doors. You can help remind supermarkets of their responsibilities.

Tell your supermarket to stop selling seafood that is caught using the highly destructive and wasteful fishing method called beam trawling!

Send a letter to the supermarket you regularly use, or to all of them, and let them know that how concerned you are that such destructive fishing practices should be used to help fill their shelves.

Click on one of the logos below to send a message to your supermarket to ban beam trawling. Please note that Marks & Spencer and Waitrose have already taken action or are in the process of removing beam trawled products from their stores).

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