sustainable seafood

Hugh's Fish Fight - round two!

Posted by Willie — 4 April 2011 at 12:37pm - Comments
Filming Hugh's Fish Fight
All rights reserved. Credit: Daphne Cristelis/Greenpeace
Filming Hugh's Fish Fight

In the three months since Hugh's Fish Fight screened on Channel 4 there's been a frenzy of activity in the fish trade, thanks to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's investigation into the way our fish is caught and sold. If you missed the series the first time round and are wondering what all the fuss was about, the series is being repeated starting tonight at 10pm on More 4.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Princes selling endangered tuna for less than £1 a pop

Posted by jamie — 1 February 2011 at 7:10pm - Comments
Bigeye tuna caught in the Pacific. Princes claims to use bigeye tuna from the In
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace/Alex Hofford
Bigeye tuna caught in the Pacific. Princes claims to use bigeye tuna from the Indian Ocean

Yesterday, some of my colleagues met with executives from Princes to discuss the problems with their tinned tuna. It was the first meeting for several months and certainly since Princes came bottom of our league table. Needless to say, there was a lot to discuss.   

Sales for 'sustainable' seafood soar, but is the problem shifting elsewhere?

Posted by jamie — 18 January 2011 at 5:28pm - Comments

It's been a good week for seafood sales. The Guardian reports that supermarkets have been doing brisk business in "sustainable seafood", particularly those featured in the various Big Fish Fight shows on Channel 4.

Princes' tuna policy doesn't do what it says on the tin

Posted by Willie — 15 October 2010 at 10:15am - Comments

Two whole years in the making, Princes' new 'sustainable seafood statement' was supposed to address many issues. Specifically it was supposed to be explaining just what the company intended to do to drag itself from the bottom of our tinned tuna league table by explaining the measures they were implementing to ensure they were sourcing their tinned tuna responsibly.

Turning Japanese retailers onto sustainable seafood

Posted by Willie — 3 September 2010 at 3:41pm - Comments

Handing out sustainable seafood guides on the streets of Tokyo (c) Sutton-Hibbert/Greenpeace

There's a common comment in this part of the world, often repeated on the internet especially, about sorting out the seafood problem: namely, we have to change minds in Japan.

Whilst it's a simplistic generalisation, there is a lot of truth in that. Seafood is a global commodity and a global problem. The big markets for seafood are (perhaps unsurprisingly) North America, Europe, and Asia.

The trouble with tuna

Posted by Willie — 25 August 2010 at 12:01pm - Comments

Is removing salade nicoise from the menu better than searching out sustainable tuna supplies? (Photo (c) FotoosVanRobin)

When you get a bit close to a subject, you get geeky. Before you know it you are scoffing at how other people could possible not know something, because you do. Yet of course it's true that the vast majority of the public are very much in the 'don't know' camp.

The day the fish ran out

Posted by jamie — 12 July 2010 at 2:55pm - Comments

I was gearing up to write something on the interesting new report by the New Economics Foundation (Nef) on how the EU is becoming more reliant on fish from other parts of the world, when my attention was drawn to a piece by the BBC's Richard Black who explains far more eloquently than I ever could what 'fish dependence day' is.

Nef has compared the amount of fish caught within the EU with the amount we consume to find out when - if we only ate our own, EU-caught fish from January 1 - we would have to start using fish supplied by other countries. This year, that day was last Friday 9 July or 'fish dependence day' and, like the global ecological debt day which Nef also computes, it's getting earlier each year as we import more and more fish. Or eat more. Or both.

Like I say, Mr Black covers all the main points and more on a sobering thought exercise.

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