Supermarkets league table 2006: Co-op - 4th place

Last edited 15 January 2007 at 4:09pm

Co-op_ranking_2006The Co-op's policies on sourcing from the marine environment extend beyond seafood into other areas of its business and investments - a breadth of approach no other supermarket has yet developed.

Its wild-caught seafood policies extend to all its own-brand ranges of seafood, although not to other brands. However, despite the fact it sells only small quantities of seafood, the Co-op still has some way to go to ensure that every item it sells is from a sustainable source. The Co-op needs to address wild seafood procurement in more detail and promote its policies to the public.

The Co-op's aquaculture policies are well developed and the research it is involved in makes it one of the industry leaders in this area.

For the full story on Co-op see Chapter 5 of our latest report 'A Recipe for Change'.

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