Supermarkets league table 2006: Morrisons - 5th place

Last edited 12 February 2007 at 5:11pm

Morrisons has made a substantial commitment to sourcing sustainable seafood by delisting aMorrisons ranking rose 32 places to 5th in 2006 large range of species and increasing the range of alternative species available to customers.

Its sourcing team shows a high level of knowledge of sustainability issues and certainly understands which areas need addressing. Although Morrisons focuses primarily on fish stocks, it has done some work on sourcing from fisheries using less destructive fishing methods.

Like most other supermarkets, Morrison's policy currently only covers its own-brand fresh and prepacked fish and it has yet to develop a policy on sustainable aquaculture.

For the full story on Morrisons please refer to Chapter 6 of our new report 'A Recipe for Change

Beam trawling update: A big thank you to everyone who sent a message asking them to stop selling seafood caught using this highly destructive fishing method. Morrisons have responded positively, removing all beam trawled products (primarily plaice and sole) from their fresh fish counters. One small line of breaded beam trawled plaice remains but their buyers are currently working to change this.

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