Supermarkets league table 2006: Waitrose - 2nd place

Last edited 15 January 2007 at 3:33pm

Waitrose_2006_rankingWaitrose is certainly a leader in the sustainable sourcing of seafood. Over the past 10 years of implementing its sustainable procurement policies, Waitrose has reviewed every species sold with regard to stock levels, management and fishing methods. The retailer maintains a comprehensive 'banned' list and is now confident that it is sourcing all its seafood from the healthiest stocks available.

Waitrose has considerable knowledge of the source of its seafood and of sustainability issues and openly promotes its procurement policies. Waitrose supports sustainability initiatives for wild-caught seafood and is striving to improve aquaculture standards with its work on organic fish and shellfish farming.

Waitrose's work has significantly raised the profile of sustainable seafood procurement within the industry, particularly over the last year.

For the full story on Waitrose see Chapter 3 of our new report 'A Recipe for Change '.

Beam trawling update: Waitrose is on target to phase out all beam trawling by the end of 2007.

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