The tuna retailers league table 2008

Last edited 9 January 2011 at 11:21am

Update: we've updated the tinned tuna league table for 2011. Who's at the top? Who's languishing at the bottom? Find out...


Find out more about this league table »

NB Three other major supermarket chains were excluded from the final table for the following reasons:

Waitrose: does not stock its own-label

Waitrose, Iceland and Somerfield were excluded from our league table

tinned tuna. Waitrose stocks John West products, but does not stock Princes.

Iceland: Iceland does not have an own-label tinned tuna range.

Somerfield: has been purchased by the Co-op and once the acquisition and integration has been completed, Co-op policies will apply.

This league table has been compiled on the basis of data obtained from four sources:

  • Retailer and brand supplier responses to a product survey issued by Greenpeace commencing in May of this year.
  • Correspondence with retailers and brand suppliers arising from the survey.
  • Information obtained from Greenpeace Active Supporters engaging in spot checks of their local supermarkets; and
  • Material that is publicly available on retailer and brand supplier websites.

For a more detailed decription of how the rankings were arrived at please visit our methodology page.

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