Tuna league table 2008: ASDA

Last edited 7 January 2011 at 2:23pm

DA - 4th in the Tinned Tuna League Table


green tick   ASDA's general seafood sustainability policy received a real boost with their commitment to only stocking 100% independently certified sustainable fish by 2011 , but changes are needed now for its sourcing of tinned tuna.
green tick   ASDA has expressed at least some public support for marine reserves. In 2006, ASDA called for 'the North Sea to be declared a marine conservation zone to preserve fish stocks for local fishing communities'.
red_x   ASDA fails to tell you what kind of tuna is inside its tins and how the fish was caught.
red_x   The majority of ASDA tuna comes from comes from purse seiners with no restriction on the use of Fish Aggregating Devices. ASDA's commitment to only stocking 100 per cent independently certified sustainable fish by 2011 could lead to ASDA not accepting any FAD-caught tuna, but the company must act now to clean up their tinned tuna supply chain.
red_x   Despite long term commitments, by relying on suppliers who are doing little to minimize the impacts of tuna fishing, there is no evidence of ASDA demonstrating stock and species selectivity for its own label range of tinned tuna.


Verdict: In the top four, but not up to trophy winning standards.

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