Tuna league table 2008: Sainsbury's

Last edited 7 January 2011 at 2:22pm -

Sainsbury's - top of the table


deep green tick   Sainsbury's were rated as 'good' in our last retailer ranking of sustainable seafood in UK supermarkets in 2006 and have continued to improve since then.
green tick   All of Sainsbury's tinned tuna is now pole and line caught, making their own label the only brand surveyed that is entirely fished using sustainable methods. This gives Sainsbury's own label a clear edge over all the competition in our Tinned Tuna League.
green tick   Many Sainsbury's tins already display how the fish was caught, as well as being clear about the tuna species inside. Sainsburys have now committed to provide catch method and species on every tin.
green tick   By only buying pole and line and hand-lined tuna, Sainsburys is fishing as sustainably as possible, but there are still overall concerns about the status of yellow fin stocks in the Indian Ocean from where Sainsburys is sourcing fish.
red_x   Marine reserves – like national parks at sea - are critical to ensuring the long term viability of tuna and other fish stocks, but Sainsburys has so far failed to express public support for their establishment.


Verdict: Top of the Tinned Tuna League in a premiership performance, but can still do more.

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