What you can do for our oceans

Last edited 14 November 2006 at 6:05pm

We now know the oceans are not limitless, and that many of the species they support are being pushed to the brink of extinction by the activities of the greatest predator on the planet - ourselves. But just as we have been a major cause of the crisis facing our oceans, so we also hold the solution in our hands.

As individuals we need to hold both our governments and our companies to account.

Our Ocean Wonderland thumb

Our Ocean Wonderland - speak out for Marine Reserves

A global network of Marine Reserves covering 40% of the high seas, and where no fishing or extraction of minerals is permitted, will provide a breathing space for threatened species to begin the recovery process. This brilliant animation by Stephen Appelby and Pete Bishop uses sublimely ridiculous logic to flag up the threat to our oceans posed by overfishing. Watch it, sign up to the petition, then forward it to your friends or post a link on your Facebook page to pass the message on. Simple!

Take action

Seafood See Life logo

Only eat sustainable seafood

Seafood See Life is a vibrant network bringing together influential people, organisations and businesses that want to be part of a positive wave of change for our oceans - spreading the word that unless we want to to be reduced to eating jellyfish in the future, all our seafood needs to be sustainable.

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Humpback whale breaching

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All of our money comes from individual donations. We couldn't work to defend our magnificent oceans without your generous support.

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ocean species guide

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Find out more about the incredible diversity found around our coasts.

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