Work for peace and disarmament

Last edited 28 April 2014 at 2:36pm

40 years ago the international community got together and agreed to work towards eliminating nuclear weapons. But these terrifying weapons of mass destruction are still with us. Greenpeace believes that it’s time for the nine nuclear countries - including Britain - to start serious negotiations to reduce and eventually eliminate their nuclear arsenals, and focus instead on the real challenge facing the world - building a safer, greener future for us all.

Campaign updates

Shock and AWE as bomb factory goes up for sale

Watch out world! Hot on the heels of the story that next-generation US designed Trident missiles may be too large to fit in the UK's submarine fleet comes...
Posted by jossc - 16 January, 2008 - 17:15

New Trident too big for subs

Reported in Scotland's Sunday Herald just before Christmas (but not seen by me until a few days ago, hence the delay in passing it on) was a tale to gladden...
Posted by jossc - 4 January, 2008 - 14:13

New Trident too big for subs

Reported in Scotland's Sunday Herald just before Christmas (but not seen by me until a few days ago, hence the delay in passing it on) was a tale to gladden...
Posted by jossc - 4 January, 2008 - 14:13

Greenpeace videos on Youtube

For me one of the coolest things about our new-look site is that we're carrying a lot more streaming video courtesy of the good folks at YouTube. But did...
Posted by jossc - 24 July, 2007 - 11:02

Too hot to handle: the future of civil nuclear power

We've been arguing for a long time that nuclear power can't stop climate change - because replacing our whole fleet of nuclear power stations would...
Posted by bex - 6 July, 2007 - 15:01

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